Hello you all, and thanks in advance for opening and giving time to read my question.
I've been with this problem in my head for a while and decided to post here since I've found no answer. I'm using DESeq2 with adjusted p-value (padj) cutoff of 0.05 set through the "alpha" argument of the "res()" function, as Michael Love recommended here (in my script: res <- results(dds, alpha=.05)).
The issue is: despite the cutoff, when I look at the table I still see various big padj values, as seen below:
res <- results(dds, alpha=0.05)
resOrdered <- res[order(res$padj, decreasing = T),]
log2 fold change (MLE): condition stage2 vs stage1
Wald test p-value: condition stage2 vs stage1
DataFrame with 27686 rows and 6 columns
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
<numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
GeneA 311.30063 -0.000045184 0.370183 -0.000122059 0.999903 0.999903
GeneB 87.84123 0.000101288 0.513417 0.000197282 0.999843 0.999903
GeneC 6.11153 -0.001102367 1.544488 -0.000713743 0.999431 0.999608
GeneD 57.20622 -0.000380087 0.582574 -0.000652426 0.999479 0.999608
GeneE 7.42678 0.001275319 1.390976 0.000916852 0.999268 0.999570
table(res$padj < .05)
14009 1589
As you can see, various genes have got very high p-values, which I find strange even because the standard cutoff of padj should be 0.1. Should I still filter the table "manually" after the result for some reason? Thank you again.