Can QSEA package be used for computing sample-specific methylation values? I need tumor and normal samples specific methylation values for given genomic window. The enrichment-based protocol [cfMeDIP-seq] has been followed for sequencing.
As an experimental biologist, I have limited understanding of QSEA package. But I learnt from the tutorial and example dataset, that QSEA identifies DMRs.Therefore, I think QSEA can compute sample-specific methylation values. I need help with the function/command and input data structure that can be used to identify sample-specific methylation values.
Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hi Ann, Yes, QSEA can be used for this, it will let you calculate beta values for each individual window. What part of the process are you stuck on?
Thanks Simon. I got the sample-specific methylation values by using 'samples=getSampleNames'