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I used annotatr to annotate my methylation data and got four transcripts that I can't find any information for, no ensembl gene id translation or gene symbol translation: ENST00000602953.1 ENST00000552238.1 ENST00000451960.1 Any idea where these are coming from?
## create Granges object
regions <- GRanges(
seqnames = sig_windows_filtered$chrom,
ranges = IRanges(sig_windows_filtered$start, sig_windows_filtered$end),
mcols = list(
diff = sig_windows_filtered$diff,
type = sig_windows_filtered$type
# Select annotations for intersection with regions
annots = c('hg38_cpgs', 'hg38_basicgenes', 'hg38_enhancers_fantom')
# Build the annotations (a single GRanges object)
annotations = build_annotations(genome = 'hg38', annotations = annots)
# Intersect the regions read in with the annotations
dm_annotated = annotate_regions(
regions = regions,
annotations = annotations,
ignore.strand = TRUE,
quiet = FALSE)
# Coerce to a data.frame
df_dm_annotated = data.frame(dm_annotated)