I am interested in performing isoform analysis on short read data (150bp) using the edgeR package, following the example from the edgeR User's Guide, section "4.6 Differential transcript expression of human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines."
I ran my pipeline using the nf-core/rnasplice pipeline and obtained counts and TPM values: nf-core rnasplice output:
From the example 4.6 in the edgeR User's Guide, I tried importing the "quant.sf" files but experienced difficulties. Based on the example, I imported scaled counts as suggested:
# Define the path to your TSV file
file_path <- "/projects/salmon/tximport/salmon.merged.transcript_counts_scaled.tsv"
# Import the TSV file
scaled.counts <- read.delim(file_path, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names = 1)
# Create DGEList object
y <- DGEList(counts = scaled.counts, samples = Samples_metadata)
Which of the following files makes the most sense to import for "4.6 Differential transcript expression of human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines"?
Counts from nf-core/rnasplice:
- salmon.merged.transcript_counts.tsv: Matrix of isoform-level raw counts across all samples.
- salmon.merged.transcript_counts_scaled.tsv: Matrix of isoform-level scaled raw counts across all samples.
- salmon.merged.transcript_counts_length_scaled.tsv: Matrix of isoform-level length-scaled raw counts across all samples.
- salmon.merged.transcript_counts_dtu_scaled.tsv: Matrix of isoform-level dtu scaled raw counts across all samples.
TPMs from nf-core/rnasplice:
- salmon.merged.transcript_tpm.tsv: Matrix of isoform-level TPM values across all samples.
- salmon.merged.transcript_tpm_scaled.tsv: Matrix of isoform-level scaled TPM values across all samples.
- salmon.merged.transcript_tpm_length_scaled.tsv: Matrix of isoform-level length-scaled TPM values across all samples.
- salmon.merged.transcript_tpm_dtu_scaled.tsv: Matrix of isoform-level dtu scaled TPM values across all samples.