I've been trying to use WGCNA modulePreservation function for module preservation analysis. I have two adjacency matrices generated from two datasets, and two list of module colors. The two adjacency matrices have same dimension, and their columns/rows correspond to the same genes. Below is the example code I used (from Module preservation using adjacency matrix (WGCNA))
R <- matrix(runif(100), ncol=10)
R <- (R * lower.tri(R)) + t(R * lower.tri(R))
diag(R) <- 1
S <- matrix(runif(100), ncol=10)
S <- (S * lower.tri(S)) + t(S * lower.tri(S))
diag(S) <- 1
multiData =vector("list",2)
multiData[[1]] =list(data= R)
multiData[[2]] =list(data= S)
checkSets(multiData, checkStructure = FALSE, useSets = NULL)
multiColor =vector("list",2)
multiColor[[1]] =c('blue',"blue","red","red","grey","tan","tan","purple","grey","purple")
multiColor[[2]] =c('blue',"blue","red","red","grey","tan","tan","purple","grey","purple")
dataIsExpr = F,
networkType = "unsigned",
referenceNetworks = 1,
nPermutations = 100,
verbose = 5)
And I got this error message
..checking adjacencies for excessive amounts of missing data
Flagging genes and samples with too many missing values...
..step 1
Flagging genes and samples with too many missing values...
..step 1
..unassigned 'module' name: grey
..all network sample 'module' name: gold
..calculating observed preservation values
..working on reference network Ref
..working on test network SGA
Error in .modulePreservationInternal(multiData, multiColor, multiWeights = multiWeights, :
object 'weightsRef' not found
I read the documentation at https://rdrr.io/cran/WGCNA/man/modulePreservation.html and it looks like multiWeights is NULL and should be NULL when adjacency matrices are used (when dataIsExpr = F), however the error message is complaining about multiWeights being NULL.
I wonder if anyone has successfully ran WGCNA module preservation with adjacency matrix or has any suggestions. Thank you!