Gordon Smyth Thank you for developing such an amazing tool.
I have noticed that when I generate a model with covariates I see differences in p-values between a treatment-contrast parameterization vs group-means parameterization. The fold-changes are the same. I do not notice this with models that do not have covariates.
My code is the following for treatment-contrasts:
design<- model.matrix(~Status + Age + Sex + PMI, metadata)
fitA <- lmFit(batchregressed, design)
fitB <- eBayes(fitA, trend = FALSE, robust = TRUE)
tabA<- topTable(fitB, number = 2500, coef = 2)
coefA<- fitB$coefficients
My code is the following for group-means:
design2<- model.matrix(~0+Status + Age + Sex + PMI, metadata)
contrasts<- makeContrasts(StatusControl-StatusMS, levels=colnames(design2))
fitC <- lmFit(batchregressed, design2)
fitD <- contrasts.fit(fitC, contrasts)
fitE <- eBayes(fitD, trend = FALSE, robust = TRUE)
tabC<- topTable(fitE, number = 2500)
coefC<- fitE$coefficients
Is there anything that I am misspecifying? Would it be predicted that p-values would differ with these two model parametrization types?
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
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