Limma - 0 downreg and upreg values
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sop • 0
Last seen 7 months ago
South Korea

Hello, I am running my GeoMx Data with Standr, and it includes the "limma" package.

I am incorporating the codes from these two websites,

and some parts are showing errors or unexpected results.

Despite the error below, I was able to run the next part of the limma DE gene analysis, but the result was 0 downreg and 0 upreg genes.

I suppose it may be due to the error below. It would be very much appreciated if someone could help.

The data structure may be a little different to scRNAseq data, since it is an spe object (SpatialExperiment class).

#Differential expression analysis with limma-voom pipeline


>HNdge <- SE2DGEList(HNspe_ruv)
>HNdesign <- model.matrix(~0 + biology + ruv_W1 + ruv_W2, data = colData(HNspe_ruv))

>mm <- model.matrix(~0 + Disease_status, data = colData(HNspe_ruv))
>y <- voom(mm, plot = F)

Error in approxfun(l, rule = 2, ties = list("ordered", mean)) : need at least two non-NA values to interpolate

fit <- lmFit(y, mm)
contr <- makeContrasts(groupI5.6 - groupC.6, levels = colnames(coef(fit)))
tmp <-, contr)
tmp <- eBayes(tmp)
top.table <- topTable(tmp, = "P", n = Inf)

HNcontr.matrix <- makeContrasts(
   BvT = Healthy - Disease,
   levels = colnames(HNdesign))

HNv <- voom(HNdge_all, HNdesign, plot = TRUE)

voom:mean-variance trend

include your problematic code here with any corresponding output

y <- voom(mm, plot = F)

please also include the results of running the following in an R session

Error in approxfun(l, rule = 2, ties = list("ordered", mean)) : need at least two non-NA values to interpolate

sessionInfo( )

R version 4.4.1

package.version("limma") "3.60.3"


GeoMx limma DifferentialExpression • 761 views
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Last seen 2 days ago
United States

You are running voom on a design matrix rather than using your count data. Please re-read the help page for `voom', or more closely follow the vignette you point to (which uses the filtered count data).

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Yes I have changed it to a design matrix and it has worked. Thank you very much!

I have encountered a different problem now,

mm <- model.matrix(~0 + biology, data = colData(HNspe_ruv)) y <- voom(HNdge, plot = F) fit <- lmFit(y, mm)

contr <-makeContrasts(CN - HN, levels = colnames(HNdesign))

it ran through fine up until here, but then the code below is saying that the number of rows does not match. Should I compare the number of rows btw "fit" and "contr"?

How would I fix this mismatch of number of rows?

fit_contr <-, contrasts = contr)

Error in, contrasts = contr_nevus) : Number of rows of contrast matrix must match number of coefficients in fit

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You should inspect the column names of your model matrix. It's unlikely that the column names are CN and HN.

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The column name is biology, and the categories in that column is CN and HN. If it only accept column names, how do I compare a certain category from a column to a certain category from the same column?

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You don't compare categories within a column of a design matrix. Categorical variables should be expanded automatically by R into 'dummy variables' that contain zeros and ones only.

> d.f <- data.frame(biology = rep(c("CN","HN"), each = 3))
> model.matrix(~0 + biology, d.f)
  biologyCN biologyHN
1         1         0
2         1         0
3         1         0
4         0         1
5         0         1
6         0         1
[1] 1 1
[1] "contr.treatment"

You will need to provide the design and contrasts matrices, as it's not clear to me what they are.


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