Hi all,
May I know if this warning message affect downstream analysis? Couldn't find this error after googling. Thank you so much!
design <- model.matrix(~ vector_age + sex_vector + group_vector, compare_genes)
fit <- lmFit(numeric_matrix, design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrast_matrix)
Warning message:
In contrasts.fit(fit, contrast_matrix) :
row names of contrasts don't match col names of coefficients
Hi Gordon,
My contract matrix has rows name: Intercept, vector_age, sex_vector2, group_vectorMCI. Column name design matrix: (Intercept), vector_age, sex_vector2, group_vectorMCI. I think the warning because Intercept in contract matrix doesn't have () as in design matrix. So we can ignore this warning, right? Thank you!
That's right, you can ignore the warning.
Hi @gordonsmyth. Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best in 2025. Thank you so much for your kind support!