I tried to perform CNV analysis using conumee 2.0 package. Most of the newly analyzed tumour samples are from EPIC2.0, but I want to use the normal control samples from DKFZ reference cohort, which is using EPIC or 450K. I combine MSet generated from EPICv2, EPIC and 450K array using the CombineArray() function from minfi. I tried different options of generating annotation, but when I try to CNV.fit(minfi.data["GLI1"], minfi.data[minfi.controls], anno), it just outputs Error in .local(query, ref, anno, ...) : query intensities not given for all probes.
Is there a step-by-step tutorial as to how to combine the new EPICv2 data with public data using EPICv1 and 450K, and generating annotation file that can run the conumee2.0?
Best Regards,
control_names <- c("Control (muscle tissue)","Control (reactive tissue)", "Control (blood)")
##Different options of generating annotation
anno_overlap <- CNV.create_anno(bin_minprobes = 15, bin_minsize = 50000,
bin_maxsize = 5000000, array_type = "overlap", chrXY = FALSE,
exclude_regions = exclude_regions, detail_regions = detail_regions)
anno_450k <- CNV.create_anno(bin_minprobes = 15, bin_minsize = 50000,
bin_maxsize = 5000000, array_type = "450k", chrXY = FALSE,
exclude_regions = exclude_regions, detail_regions = detail_regions)
anno_EPIC <- CNV.create_anno(bin_minprobes = 15, bin_minsize = 50000,
bin_maxsize = 5000000, array_type = "EPIC", chrXY = FALSE,
exclude_regions = exclude_regions, detail_regions = detail_regions)
anno_EPICv2 <- CNV.create_anno(bin_minprobes = 15, bin_minsize = 50000,
bin_maxsize = 5000000, array_type = "EPICv2", chrXY = FALSE,
exclude_regions = exclude_regions, detail_regions = detail_regions)
#Load MSet data
minfi.data <- CNV.load(MSet_DKFZ, names = phenoData_DKFZ$ID)
minfi.controls <- phenoData_DKFZ$Diagnosis %in% control_names
##Fit CNV
x <- CNV.fit(minfi.data["GLI1"], minfi.data[minfi.controls], anno_EPIC)
Error in .local(query, ref, anno, ...) : query intensities not given for all probes.
I had similar issue with conumee 2.0 for EPICv2 array. I tried to create anno from overlap and processed idats with cnv.import & cnv.load. And I tried anno@probes <- anno@probes[names(anno@probes) %in% names(minfi::getLocations(IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b4.hg19::IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b4.hg19))]
But I have the same issue of error of :query intensities not given for all probes
Please suggest. Thank you.