I have been trying all day to get the gene symbols for a large set (~7000) of hg19 coordinates. Some coordinates will not overlap a gene and some coordinates can overlap with several genes.
I've tried using biomaRt but seems I have to query each coordinate one at a time which is going to take many hours to complete (and I worry about spamming biomaRt; is that possible?). I also tried to use TxDbUCSCKnownGene but it has outdated gene_ids. Finally, org.Hs.eg.db is based on hg38 and not hg19 (I think).
I'm probably just overlooking something. How do I solve this? Is there a table of gene annotations with coordinates for hg19 that I can download? I'll just write my own script to look for overlaps if I have to.
Thank you
Now why didn't I think of that? I had tunnel vision thinking I needed to use an annotation package. Thank you ATpoint!