Hi all,
I would like to find which pathways are different between 2 groups. After getting very helpful support on this forum, I got advice to use egsea which combine some methods. However, I got this error:
gsa = egsea(fit2, contrasts = contrast_matrix, gs.annots = gs.annots, baseGSEAs = baseMethods, sort.by = "avg.rank", num.threads = 4, report = FALSE)
EGSEA analysis has started
##------ Mon May 6 15:28:58 2024 ------##
Error in egsea.main(voom.results, contrasts, gs.annots, baseGSEAs, combineMethod, :
(is(voom.results, "list") && "ids" %in% names(voom.results)) || .... is not TRUE
If I try to get voom.results from fit2:
geneIDs <- rownames(fit2$coefficients)
testStats <- fit2$coefficients
pValues <- fit2$p.value
voom.results <- list(
ids = geneIDs,
t = testStats,
p = pValues
gsa = egsea(voom.results, contrasts = contrast_matrix, gs.annots = gs.annots,
+ symbolsMap = v$genes, baseGSEAs = baseMethods, sort.by = "avg.rank", num.threads = 4, report = FALSE)
EGSEA analysis has started
##------ Tue May 7 15:17:18 2024 ------##
Log fold changes are estimated using limma package ...
Error in runStandardLimmaDEA(voom.results, contrast, logFC.cutoff, fdr.cutoff) :
is(voom.results, "EList") is not TRUE
Googling this error but didn't find any helpful information. Seem fit2 is not an appropriate parameter in this case. Seem I need Large EList object to run but don't know how to get it. Monther Alhamdoosh haven't online on this forum for 5 years, so hope anyone ran this tool successful can help. Thank you so much!
I don't understand the last question, but do look at the msigdb.gsets argument to
in the help page for that function.Thanks James! I update the question. The last question mean when we use
, could we use gene symbol instead of entrezID. However, I decide to use entrezID as the vignettes for simplicity. https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/EGSEA/inst/doc/EGSEA.pdf Yes, it is microarray data and I tryegsea()
use different input.Oh, right. Ideally you would use NCBI (aka Entrez gene) IDs because they are way more likely to be unique. Gene symbols are broken down into the ones used currently and the aliases, which stretch back into time and result in tons of duplicates.
I tried egsea.ma and got this error:
It is hard to know which parameter is not correct in this case.