Hi all,
I am trying to run the gseGO function in clusterpofiler to look at GSEA of my list of differentially expressed genes. The structure of the data is the following:
X baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
1 MAGEA4 85.001287 10.406827 2.3304902 4.465510 7.99000e-06 0.010425219
2 CSAG3 27.223289 8.775162 2.2716481 3.862905 1.12046e-04 0.036408482
3 BEX1 1511.094123 6.927048 1.3661457 5.070505 3.97000e-07 0.002191714
4 NFE4 22.793449 5.939335 1.4924478 3.979593 6.90000e-05 0.028889367
5 NKX2-2 12.320182 5.747034 1.4758915 3.893941 9.86000e-05 0.034103595
6 LINC01876 83.826936 5.322948 1.1084075 4.802339 1.57000e-06 0.005414319
7 ZIC5 25.734088 5.320435 1.1046813 4.816262 1.46000e-06 0.005414319
I perform the following transformations to extract the gene list (I have tried this with the ensembl IDs as well, but the error is the same)
gene_list <- df_GSEA$X # Assuming 'X' contains Ensembl gene IDs
gene_list = sort(gene_list, decreasing = TRUE)
gse <- gseGO(geneList=gene_list,
ont ="ALL",
keyType = "SYMBOL",
nPerm = 10000,
minGSSize = 3,
maxGSSize = 800,
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
verbose = TRUE,
OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db,
pAdjustMethod = "none")
But I keep getting this kind of error:
preparing geneSet collections...
--> Expected input gene ID: VCX,PPARD,EDDM3A,MAMLD1,RAD50,SUPT6H
Error in check_gene_id(geneList, geneSets) :
--> No gene can be mapped....
When I check the gene list, it contains the correct format of gene names, so I am not sure why it's not recognizing them.
> structure(gene_list)
[1] "ZPLD1" "ZIC5" "UGT2B11" "TUBA4B" "TTLL11" "TRHDE" "TMEM164" "TDRD1" "SYT5"
[10] "SYT1" "STAC2" "SOWAHA" "SLCO4C1" "SLC1A6" "SCGN" "SCGB1D2" "RPL4P6" "RNU4-2"
[19] "RNF183" "RHOXF1P3" "RBM20" "RAB38" "PYDC1" "PXDNL" "PRKCA" "PCDH10" "NRXN1"
[28] "NRCAM" "NKX2-2" "NFE4" "NELL2" "MT3" "MSLN" "MIR3150BHG" "MGAT5B" "MEGF10"
[37] "MALRD1" "MAGEA4" "LRP1B" "LIX1" "LINC01876" "LINC01833" "LINC01694" "LINC01287" "LINC00654"
[46] "KRT222" "KCP" "KCNH6" "KCNC3" "KCNC2" "IGHG4" "HMGCS2" "HEPACAM2" "GPC2"
[55] "GATA2-AS1" "GALNT17" "GABRQ" "GABBR2" "FLG" "FAXDC2" "FAM135B" "EPO" "ELFN2"
[64] "DSG1" "DPYSL5" "DLX6" "DIRC3" "CYP27C1" "CXCL17" "CWH43" "CSAG3" "CNTNAP2"
[73] "CNR1" "CHRNA4" "CDRT15P1" "CDK5R2" "CAPN6" "CABP7" "C1orf220" "C11orf70" "BEX1"
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to fix this?
Thanks a lot, Ana
Ahh thank you, that fixed it!