Hello, I have an experiment where I'm comparing a batch A versus B (in biological triplicate: A1/A2/A3/B1/B2/B3). I create the DESeqDataSet, filter by low expression and rRNA, and use VST as a normalization method.
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = round(S216_Count_data),
colData = exp_design,
design = ~ Replicate + Treatment)
After that, I'd like to extract the counts from the normalized dds arranged by one of the samples, concretely A1. I tried like this, but I don't think I can select a DESeqDataSet object as if it was a matrix.
norcou <- counts(dds,normalized=TRUE)
head(norcou[order(norcou$A1, decreasing = TRUE), ])
How could I do this? Any help appreciated. Thanks a lot!!
Solution found, I used:
head(norcou[order(norcou[,"A1"], decreasing = TRUE), ], 50)
Exactly what I needed, thanks a lot <3