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Hi , I'm trying to get DEG from the old and young group with DESeq2, but there are no significant genes. the adjusted p values are very close to 1. Could someone help me find out the problem?
here are my count data and coldata
Gene Small_Intestine_34_m_3 Small_Intestine_22_m_18 Small_Intestine_56_m_21
1 0610005C13Rik 477 639 760
2 Trappc2b 215 179 187
3 0610009L18Rik 12 18 12
4 Sanbr 93 59 101
5 0610010K14Rik 14 17 34
6 Ncbp2as2 537 552 470
tissue age sex age_sex sample_id agegroup
Small_Intestine_34_m_3 Small_Intestine 3 m 3_m Small_Intestine_34_m_3 young
Small_Intestine_22_m_18 Small_Intestine 18 m 18_m Small_Intestine_22_m_18 old
Small_Intestine_56_m_21 Small_Intestine 21 m 21_m Small_Intestine_56_m_21 old
Small_Intestine_41_m_1 Small_Intestine 1 m 1_m Small_Intestine_41_m_1 young
Small_Intestine_8_m_15 Small_Intestine 15 m 15_m Small_Intestine_8_m_15 old
Small_Intestine_24_f_3 Small_Intestine 3 f 3_f Small_Intestine_24_f_3 young
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=expr_filt2,
design=~agegroup, tidy = TRUE)
#run DESeq2
dds$agegroup <- relevel(dds$agegroup, ref="old")
dds <- DESeq(dds)
#store/view results
res <- results(dds)