Hi! I am currently performing a DMP+DMR analysis for EPIC-array methylation data using minfi and DMRcate. As i wish to compare results from the methylation to my results for a matching expression dataset which has been aligned to hg38, i naturally need to map my probes to their respective hg38 coordinates.
After doing some research, i found that no annotation packages for hg38 exist for minfi. And while there exists one external package for the b5 annotation with hg38 coordinates for probes on the array, it still uses the hg19 coordinates as base for the CpGs. As a consequence of this, all my results are mapped to hg19. For CpGs, remapping their coordinates is simple. However, for DMRs this process becomes a lot more tedious and risky (seeing how one must first identify the overlapping CpGs for the region, and then update the coordinates of the region with respect to the new coordinates of the CpGs).
As manifest files for the EPIC hg38 mappings exist, is there any way to implement a custom annotation for use with minfi, or is the package strictly locked to the "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno" annotation packages? I have of course looked into DMRcate's "extractRanges" function where the reference genome to align DMRs to can be specified. However, they clearly state that no liftover for probes is performed, and i do not know what their "reference" annotation for the array is when supplying a beta-matrix rather then a GenomicRatio set.
Any help regarding this matter would be highly appreciated.
Thank you for the lengthy and thorough reply Tim! As I am quite new to this type of analysis, I highly appreciate it.