DESeq2 lfcShrink drastic shrinkage
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theophile • 0
Last seen 12 months ago

Hello everybody,

I am analyzing a dataset of RNAseq data generated previously. Basically, the dataset is made of 3 conditions, with 4 biological replicates in each condition, and 2 technical replicates per biological condition (maybe the best choice, but the data is here...). I am observing massive LFC shrinkage (almost all genes LFC are shrinked to 0) in my analysis, even though the counts seems OK.

I first filter the counts using counts_data <- counts_data[which(rowSums(counts_data>=10) >= 8),], ending up with 15126 genes (that might be important?).

I create the dds object using dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts_data, colData = metadata, design = ~Experimental_condition) and then do ddsColl <- collapseReplicates(dds, dds$Replicate, dds$Sample_name) to merge technical replicates, and proceed with the analysis normally:

contrast_exchange_vs_alone <- c("Experimental_condition", "E", "B")
res_exchange_vs_alone <- results(ddsColl, contrast=contrast_exchange_vs_alone, alpha = 0.05)
res_exchange_vs_alone_lfcshrink <- lfcShrink(ddsColl, coef="Experimental_condition_E_vs_B", res=res_exchange_vs_alone) #type='apeglm' default

Here is the MA plot before shrinkage:

MA plot before LFC shrink

And after shrinkage (apeglm):

MA plot after LFC shrink, type=apeglm

Here is the volcano plot after shrinkage:

Volcano plot after LFC shrink

As you can see, some gene's LFC are heavily shifted towards 0. Let's take a closer look at gene ENSRNOG00000008045 (a.k.a Slamf9), here is the plotCounts for normalized counts:

individual gene normalized counts

Same gene, raw counts:

individual gene raw counts

There is indeed some variability between replicates, but I am surprised that the LFC was shrinked to 0 for this gene. All counts are > 100 for the conditions under study ("E" and "B"). Do you have any clue why LFC shrink is so drastic, and what is going on in my analysis/dataset?

Thank you in advance for your help and insights,


Edit 1: The MA plot looks similar with lfcShrink(type='ashr'):

MA plot after LFC shrink, type=ashr

I suspect something is off with the data but I have not been able to track it down...

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DESeq2 • 550 views
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Last seen 1 day ago
United States

apeglm and ashr are typically a lot more conservative about effect size than point null hypothesis testing (LFC = 0). If you search the support site there are a couple threads on the topic. They shrink in the case that the dispersion is high relative to the difference.

Consider that, with null data, you will sometimes see separation, e.g.:

> x <- matrix(rnorm(6 * 1000), ncol=6)
> table(rowMaxs(x[,1:3]) < rowMins(x[,4:6]))

  952    48

So about 5% of the time we will see separation for this small example.


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