I am running an RNA Seq analysis for differential gene expressions for the following Biological Replicates: 3 Control, 3 Treatment A, 3 Treatment B, and 3 Treatment C.
I need to make the following comparisons: Treatment A vs Treatment B vs Treatment C with control as the reference. I am confused as to how should I write the contrasts.
This is how I have been doing it: exp_res <- results(dds, contrast = list( c("condition4HT-treated", "conditionENDX-treated"), c("condition4HT-treated", "conditionICI-treated"), c("conditionENDX-treated", "conditionICI-treated") ), alpha = 0.05, lfcThreshold = 0)
However, I am facing this error: Error in checkContrast(contrast, resNames) : 'contrast', as a list, should have length 2, or, if length 1, an empty vector will be added for the second element.
Thank you for your help.
Do three separate contrasts. You can, and probably should, leave all the samples in the same object.
Thanks for replying! Can you please explain what you mean by leaving all the samples in the same object?