MethylKit::calculateDiffMeth with two experimental factors
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Andrés • 0
Last seen 14 months ago

Hi, I'm working with whole-genome EM-seq data from an experiment with two factors:

  • Two genotypes (with contrasting response to a pathogen)
  • Infected and non-infected

Only one tissue and one time analyzed, with two biological replicates for each treatment combination.

I would like to know:

  • Which sites/regions are differentially methylated in response to infection independently of genotype. (Figure 1)
  • Which sites/regions are diff. methylated in response to infection and between genotypes (Figure 2)
  • Which sites/regions are diff. methylated in response to infection in a genotype-dependent manner. (Figure 3)
  • Which sites/regions are differentially methylated between genotypes independently of infection. (Figure 4)

Figures 1-4

I followed the Bismark alignment and extraction pipeline, and now I'm following the methylKit package tutorials.

According to it, in cases like mine with two factors and two biological replicates, I can apply logistic regressions to test for differential methylation. In the calculateDiffMeth fuction, one of the factors should be "treatment" and the other should be "covariate". I assume that to get sites diff. methylated in response to infection (goals 1-3) I need to load the infection factor as "treatment" and the genotypes as "covariate".

BUT, the resulting object is simply a list of sites/regions and their pvalue, qvalue and methdiff, without specifying the significance of each component in the regression. Which means that, for example, I can't know whether the interaction between factors was significant (case Figure 3).

My question is,

  • How do I access the full information of the tested logistic regressions?
  • And if I can't, how do I work around it?

I understand that to get the sites diff. methylated due to genotype (goal 4) I should switch genotype as "treatment" and infection as "covariate". But would this somehow alter the correction I should apply to the p-values?

And again, how do I identify sites diff. methylated in response to infection depending of genotype?

I thought about testing diff. meth. against infection separately for each genotype and then contrast the resulting lists, but once again, would this somehow alter the correction I must apply to the p-values?

Here's an example of my code and my results:

> meth.CHG_promoters
methylBase object with 61192 rows
    chr start  end strand coverage1 numCs1 numTs1 coverage2 numCs2 numTs2 coverage3 numCs3 numTs3 coverage4 numCs4 numTs4 coverage5 numCs5 numTs5 coverage6 numCs6 numTs6 coverage7 numCs7 numTs7 coverage8 numCs8 numTs8
1 HanXRQCP    97 1597      -     41775    936  40839     40096   1047  39049     49664   1041  48623     40612    628  39984     69526   3333  66193     75164   1084  74080     53468   1418  52050     53950   2110  51840
2 HanXRQCP  1266 2766      +     46631    866  45765     42949   1025  41924     54426   1054  53372     45499    669  44830     75929   3657  72272     86452   1419  85033     60449   1657  58792     59809   2511  57298
3 HanXRQCP  1524 3024      -     29216    419  28797     25039    497  24542     33037    540  32497     28064    374  27690     44816   2021  42795     53065    812  52253     37224    934  36290     35293   1300  33993
4 HanXRQCP  1876 3376      -     29126    420  28706     24639    465  24174     32690    481  32209     27573    354  27219     43789   1889  41900     53152    783  52369     37005    883  36122     34954   1186  33768
5 HanXRQCP  4681 6181      -     34258    838  33420     28101    716  27385     37988    756  37232     33004    552  32452     49461   1798  47663     64667    700  63967     45144    883  44261     42012   1227  40785
6 HanXRQCP  5495 6995      -     43559    979  42580     37327    974  36353     49203   1055  48148     42015    782  41233     64553   3094  61459     84218   1236  82982     57475   1503  55972     56022   2263  53759
sample.ids: infected_var1_r1 infected_var1_r2 control_var1_r1 control_var1_r2 infected_var2_r1 infected_var2_r2 control_var2_r1 control_var2_r2 
destranded FALSE 
assembly: HanXRQ-2.0 
context: CHG 
treament: 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 
resolution: region 

> myDiff.CHG_promoters <- calculateDiffMeth(meth.CHG_promoters,
+ covariates=data.frame(genotype=c('var1','var1','var1','var1','var2','var2','var2','var2')),
+ overdispersion = "MN",adjust="BH",mc.cores=30)

> myDiff.CHG_promoters
methylDiff object with 61192 rows
    chr start  end strand    pvalue qvalue    meth.diff
1 HanXRQCP    97 1597      - 0.9161677      1  0.196036107
2 HanXRQCP  1266 2766      + 0.9603097      1  0.089608732
3 HanXRQCP  1524 3024      - 0.9686611      1  0.108272516
4 HanXRQCP  1876 3376      - 0.9622652      1  0.163918331
5 HanXRQCP  4681 6181      - 0.8713753      1  0.134653151
6 HanXRQCP  5495 6995      - 0.9290056      1 -0.001156726
sample.ids:  infected_var1_r1 infected_var1_r2 control_var1_r1 control_var1_r2 infected_var2_r1 infected_var2_r2 control_var2_r1 control_var2_r2  
destranded FALSE 
assembly: HanXRQ-2.0 
context: CHG 
treament: 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 
resolution: region

PS1: I understand the three classic cytosine contexts (CpG, CHG and CHH) are analyzed independently from each other.

PS2: I have posted this same question in Biostars, I hope this isn't a problem

> sessionInfo( )
R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /shared/software/lib/R/lib/
LAPACK: /shared/software/lib/R/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.utf8         LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C

attached base packages:
[1] grid      stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets
[8] methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] BiocParallel_1.28.3  Biobase_2.54.0       genomation_1.32.0
[4] methylKit_1.26.0     GenomicRanges_1.46.1 GenomeInfoDb_1.30.1
[7] IRanges_2.28.0       S4Vectors_0.32.4     BiocGenerics_0.40.0
methylKit • 648 views

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