Custom design for scRNA DGE with pseudobulking
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garcia • 0
Last seen 7 months ago


I have the problem to add a custom design (here: paired design) for pseudobulk scRNA.

My experiment looks like this:

# A tibble: 8 × 2
  Subject  Treatment
  <chr>    <chr>    
1 Animal_1 Control  
2 Animal_1 MFGE8    
3 Animal_2 Control  
4 Animal_2 MFGE8    
5 Animal_3 Control  
6 Animal_3 MFGE8    
7 Animal_4 Control  
8 Animal_4 MFGE8

This is a paired design. I want to compare two treatments on independent subjects. E.g I want to compare "Control" with "MFGE8" only for Animal_1. (see page 40:

I have two SeuratObjects in a list. One for "Control" and one for "MFGE8". Both for Animal_1.

                              nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA  status assignment      group animal
eq_control_AAACCCAAGCAACTCT-1      60879         6735 singlet          2 eq_control      1
eq_control_AAACCCAGTCCTACAA-1      40519         6066 singlet          2 eq_control      1
eq_control_AAACCCATCCAGCTCT-1      43961         6788 singlet          2 eq_control      1
eq_control_AAACGAAAGGCTCTCG-1      56282         7325 singlet          2 eq_control      1
eq_control_AAACGCTGTTATAGAG-1      68322         7057 singlet          2 eq_control      1
eq_control_AAAGGGCAGGAGATAG-1      42782         5965 singlet          2 eq_control      1

                            nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA  status assignment    group animal
eq_MFGE8_AAACCCACACTGCATA-1      36450         5802 singlet          2 eq_MFGE8      1
eq_MFGE8_AAACCCAGTTGCATCA-1      24512         4879 singlet          2 eq_MFGE8      1
eq_MFGE8_AAAGAACGTGCCAAGA-1      34070         6334 singlet          2 eq_MFGE8      1
eq_MFGE8_AAAGGATAGTCCCGGT-1      17672         3450 singlet          2 eq_MFGE8      1
eq_MFGE8_AAAGGGCTCCATCTGC-1      44901         6081 singlet          2 eq_MFGE8      1
eq_MFGE8_AAAGTCCAGTGCACAG-1      26657         5543 singlet          2 eq_MFGE8      1

Both SeuratObjects only contain one animal and one treatment (here: group column)

> table(mare1_control_mfge8$eq_control$animal)

> table(mare1_control_mfge8$eq_control$group)

> table(mare1_control_mfge8$mfge8$animal)

> table(mare1_control_mfge8$mfge8$group)


An object of class Seurat 
21426 features across 1028 samples within 1 assay 
Active assay: RNA (21426 features, 0 variable features)

An object of class Seurat 
21426 features across 1161 samples within 1 assay 
Active assay: RNA (21426 features, 0 variable features)

Then, I perfomed the integration as explained here: because the function Seurat2PB() needs an integrated SeuratObject.

> eq.combined
An object of class Seurat 
23426 features across 2189 samples within 2 assays 
Active assay: integrated (2000 features, 2000 variable features)
 1 other assay present: RNA
 2 dimensional reductions calculated: pca, umap
> table(eq.combined$animal)

> table(eq.combined$group)

eq_control   eq_MFGE8 
      1028       1161 

head( %>% select(nCount_RNA,nFeature_RNA,status,assignment,group,animal,seurat_clusters))
                              nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA  status assignment      group animal seurat_clusters
eq_control_AAACCCAAGCAACTCT-1      60879         6735 singlet          2 eq_control      1               3
eq_control_AAACCCAGTCCTACAA-1      40519         6066 singlet          2 eq_control      1               0
eq_control_AAACCCATCCAGCTCT-1      43961         6788 singlet          2 eq_control      1               1
eq_control_AAACGAAAGGCTCTCG-1      56282         7325 singlet          2 eq_control      1               0
eq_control_AAACGCTGTTATAGAG-1      68322         7057 singlet          2 eq_control      1               0
eq_control_AAAGGGCAGGAGATAG-1      42782         5965 singlet          2 eq_control      1               2

Now I created the DGElist as followed:

y <- Seurat2PB(eq.combined, sample="group", cluster="seurat_clusters")
[1] 21426    12

head(y$samples, n=10L)
                    group lib.size norm.factors     sample cluster
eq_control_cluster0     1 22013050            1 eq_control       0
eq_control_cluster1     1  8237757            1 eq_control       1
eq_control_cluster2     1  5389188            1 eq_control       2
eq_control_cluster3     1  8365253            1 eq_control       3
eq_control_cluster4     1  3729499            1 eq_control       4
eq_control_cluster5     1  1909997            1 eq_control       5
eq_MFGE8_cluster0       1 12178747            1   eq_MFGE8       0
eq_MFGE8_cluster1       1 10343051            1   eq_MFGE8       1
eq_MFGE8_cluster2       1  9297681            1   eq_MFGE8       2
eq_MFGE8_cluster3       1  3883156            1   eq_MFGE8       3

Formal class 'DGEList' [package "edgeR"] with 1 slot
  ..@ .Data:List of 3
  .. ..$ : num [1:21426, 1:12] 335 9 29313 42 3081 ...
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:21426] "POLE2" "ENSECAG00000019402" "ENSECAG00000052423" "LRR1" ...
  .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:12] "eq_control_cluster0" "eq_control_cluster1" "eq_control_cluster2" "eq_control_cluster3" ...
  .. ..$ :'data.frame': 12 obs. of  5 variables:
  .. .. ..$ group       : Factor w/ 1 level "1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  .. .. ..$ lib.size    : num [1:12] 22013050 8237757 5389188 8365253 3729499 ...
  .. .. ..$ norm.factors: num [1:12] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  .. .. ..$ sample      : chr [1:12] "eq_control" "eq_control" "eq_control" "eq_control" ...
  .. .. ..$ cluster     : chr [1:12] "0" "1" "2" "3" ...
  .. ..$ :'data.frame': 21426 obs. of  1 variable:
  .. .. ..$ gene: chr [1:21426] "POLE2" "ENSECAG00000019402" "ENSECAG00000052423" "LRR1" ...
  ..$ names: chr [1:3] "counts" "samples" "genes"

Now in section "4.10.5 Design matrix" on page 127 of the edgeRUserGuide.pdf, one can create a design matrix.

For my paired design I want to do the following according to p.40 in the UserGuide.pdf

Subject <- factor(y$samples$animal) # Animal = Subject
Treat <- factor(y$samples$sample, levels = c("eq_control","eq_MFGE8")) # Treat = sample
design <- model.matrix(~Subject+Treat)

I can't create paired design, because the column "subject" is missing in y$samples.

'data.frame':   12 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ group       : Factor w/ 1 level "1": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ lib.size    : num  22013050 8237757 5389188 8365253 3729499 ...
 $ norm.factors: num  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ sample      : chr  "eq_control" "eq_control" "eq_control" "eq_control" ...
 $ cluster     : chr  "0" "1" "2" "3" ...

The documentation tells me, the Seurat2PB(object, sample, cluster="seurat_clusters") can only use two columns of the SeuratObject.

Question: How can I create a design matrix with paired design for a pseudo-bulk DGEList?

On page 40 of the EdgeRUserGuide.pdf (section: 3.4.1 Paired samples), this is only shown for a simple bulk RNA dataset.

Thank you for any recommendations and tipps. Sorry for my long explanation of the problem.

scRNAseq scrna paireddesign edgeR pseudobulking • 1.2k views
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Last seen 8 hours ago
WEHI, Melbourne, Australia

You need to create a new column in that combines group and animal before running Seurat2PB.

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Thank you Gordon for your fast response.

I created an new column "group_animal". %>% select(nCount_RNA,nFeature_RNA,group,animal,group_animal,RNA_snn_res.0.5,integrated_snn_res.0.5,seurat_clusters) %>% head()
                              nCount_RNA nFeature_RNA      group animal group_animal RNA_snn_res.0.5 integrated_snn_res.0.5 seurat_clusters
eq_control_AAACCCAAGCAACTCT-1      60879         6735 eq_control      1 eq_control_1               2                      4               4
eq_control_AAACCCAGTCCTACAA-1      40519         6066 eq_control      1 eq_control_1               0                      3               3
eq_control_AAACCCATCCAGCTCT-1      43961         6788 eq_control      1 eq_control_1               3                      0               0
eq_control_AAACGAAAGGCTCTCG-1      56282         7325 eq_control      1 eq_control_1               0                      3               3
eq_control_AAACGCTGTTATAGAG-1      68322         7057 eq_control      1 eq_control_1               0                      3               3
eq_control_AAAGGGCAGGAGATAG-1      42782         5965 eq_control      1 eq_control_1               1                      2               2

Then I got this after ´Seurat2PB()´

y <- Seurat2PB(eq.combined, sample="group_animal", cluster="seurat_clusters")
y <- normLibSizes(y)

                      group lib.size norm.factors       sample cluster
eq_control_1_cluster0     1 10960426    1.1449109 eq_control_1       0
eq_control_1_cluster1     1  8596128    0.9737348 eq_control_1       1
eq_control_1_cluster2     1  5357138    0.8822733 eq_control_1       2
eq_control_1_cluster3     1 13928352    1.0477759 eq_control_1       3
eq_control_1_cluster4     1  8787091    0.8948006 eq_control_1       4
eq_control_1_cluster5     1  1974773    1.1456809 eq_control_1       5
eq_MFGE8_1_cluster0       1 11289268    1.1746136   eq_MFGE8_1       0
eq_MFGE8_1_cluster1       1  8317256    0.9724887   eq_MFGE8_1       1
eq_MFGE8_1_cluster2       1  9380191    0.8004246   eq_MFGE8_1       2
eq_MFGE8_1_cluster3       1  6679310    1.0338969   eq_MFGE8_1       3
eq_MFGE8_1_cluster4       1  4158076    0.9019585   eq_MFGE8_1       4
eq_MFGE8_1_cluster5       1   983813    1.1101006   eq_MFGE8_1       5

After normalization, I tried to create the design matrix, but it failed. Maybe, because I have only one factor in "group" ?

Subject <- factor(y$samples$group)
 [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Treat <- factor(y$samples$sample, levels = c("eq_control_1","eq_MFGE8_1"))
 [1] eq_control_1 eq_control_1 eq_control_1 eq_control_1 eq_control_1 eq_control_1 eq_MFGE8_1   eq_MFGE8_1   eq_MFGE8_1   eq_MFGE8_1   eq_MFGE8_1   eq_MFGE8_1  
Levels: eq_control_1 eq_MFGE8_1

design <- model.matrix(~Subject+Treat)
Error in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`, value = contr.funs[1 + isOF[nn]]) : 
  contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels

Do I have to modify the "group" column of y$samples ?

Maybe it should look like this?

                      group lib.size norm.factors       sample cluster
eq_control_1_cluster0     1 10960426    1.1449109 eq_control_1       0
eq_control_1_cluster1     1  8596128    0.9737348 eq_control_1       1
eq_control_1_cluster2     1  5357138    0.8822733 eq_control_1       2
eq_control_1_cluster3     1 13928352    1.0477759 eq_control_1       3
eq_control_1_cluster4     1  8787091    0.8948006 eq_control_1       4
eq_control_1_cluster5     1  1974773    1.1456809 eq_control_1       5
eq_MFGE8_1_cluster0       2 11289268    1.1746136   eq_MFGE8_1       0
eq_MFGE8_1_cluster1       2  8317256    0.9724887   eq_MFGE8_1       1
eq_MFGE8_1_cluster2       2  9380191    0.8004246   eq_MFGE8_1       2
eq_MFGE8_1_cluster3       2  6679310    1.0338969   eq_MFGE8_1       3
eq_MFGE8_1_cluster4       2  4158076    0.9019585   eq_MFGE8_1       4
eq_MFGE8_1_cluster5       2   983813    1.1101006   eq_MFGE8_1       5

The group column was created by ´Seurat2PB()´ itself. Which information did ´Seurat2PB()´ use in order to create group?

According to my experimental design, I want compare "Control" and "MFGE8" from "Animal_1". There is only one animal. Later I want to analyse Animal_2, Animal_3 etc.

Thank you for your help so far.

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Pseudo-bulk (PB) is a method of analysing biological replicates. You cannot do any PB analysis on just one animal because there would be no biological replication. To do a PB analysis you need to

  1. Integrate all 8 samples (4 animals x 2 treatments) into one Seurat object.
  2. Cluster the cells using the integrated data so that the clusters have the same interpretation across all samples.
  3. Run Seurat2PB using a sample factor that identifies the 8 samples.

Having done that, the downstream edgeR analysis is exactly as for bulk RNA-seq.


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