TPP2D::import2dDataset() does not return value
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Tobias ▴ 40
Last seen 14 months ago

I am trying to analyse a 2D-TPP experiment using the TPP2D package. The important thing is that the experiment is fully replicated, so each drug concentration was measured twice (n = 2) at 10 different temperatures. In total, 10x TMT10plex experiments (mixture) were used. The config table looks like:

> tt
    # A tibble: 20 × 14
       Compound Experiment  Temperature `126` `127N` `127C` `128N` `128C` `129N` `129C` `130N` `130C` `131N`
       <chr>    <chr>             <dbl> <chr> <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr> 
     1 drug     rep1_red           41.9 5     1      0.143  0.02   0      -      -      -      -      -     
     2 drug     rep1_red           43.6 -     -      -      -      -      5      1      0.143  0.02   0     
     3 drug     rep1_orange        45.7 5     1      0.143  0.02   0      -      -      -      -      -     
     4 drug     rep1_orange        48.7 -     -      -      -      -      5      1      0.143  0.02   0     
     5 drug     rep1_yellow        51.5 5     1      0.143  0.02   0      -      -      -      -      -     
     6 drug     rep1_yellow        54.2 -     -      -      -      -      5      1      0.143  0.02   0     
     7 drug     rep1_green         57   5     1      0.143  0.02   0      -      -      -      -      -     
     8 drug     rep1_green         59.9 -     -      -      -      -      5      1      0.143  0.02   0     
     9 drug     rep1_blue          62.1 5     1      0.143  0.02   0      -      -      -      -      -     
    10 drug     rep1_blue          64   -     -      -      -      -      5      1      0.143  0.02   0     
    11 drug     rep2_red           41.9 5     1      0.143  0.02   0      -      -      -      -      -     
    12 drug     rep2_red           43.6 -     -      -      -      -      5      1      0.143  0.02   0     
    13 drug     rep2_orange        45.7 5     1      0.143  0.02   0      -      -      -      -      -     
    14 drug     rep2_orange        48.7 -     -      -      -      -      5      1      0.143  0.02   0     
    15 drug     rep2_yellow        51.5 5     1      0.143  0.02   0      -      -      -      -      -     
    16 drug     rep2_yellow        54.2 -     -      -      -      -      5      1      0.143  0.02   0     
    17 drug     rep2_green         57   5     1      0.143  0.02   0      -      -      -      -      -     
    18 drug     rep2_green         59.9 -     -      -      -      -      5      1      0.143  0.02   0     
    19 drug     rep2_blue          62.1 5     1      0.143  0.02   0      -      -      -      -      -     
    20 drug     rep2_blue          64   -     -      -      -      -      5      1      0.143  0.02   0     
    # 1 more variable: RefCol <chr>

The function call is:

    ## import both replicates (10 blocks)
    import_df <- import2dDataset(configTable = tt,
                                 data = ll,
                                 idVar = "ProteinID",
                                 intensityStr = "INT_",
                                 fcStr = "rel_fc_",
                                 nonZeroCols = "Total Spectral Count",
                                 geneNameVar = "Entry Name",
                                 addCol = "Gene",
                                 qualColName = "Total Peptides",
                                 naStrs = c("NA")

The computation runs far longer than normal (several minutes) and in the end returns no value. Just using the rep1 or rep2 related parts work without any problems. Does anyone know how so solve this issue?

    > sessionInfo()
    R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)
    Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
    Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7

    Matrix products: default
    BLAS:   /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
    LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

    [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

    attached base packages:
    [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

    other attached packages:
    [1] BiocParallel_1.28.3 TPP2D_1.10.0        dplyr_1.1.2         tibble_3.2.1        readr_2.1.4        

    loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
     [1] zip_2.3.0         Rcpp_1.0.10       pillar_1.9.0      compiler_4.1.2    bitops_1.0-7     
     [6] iterators_1.0.14  tools_4.1.2       pkgload_1.3.2     bit_4.0.5         lifecycle_1.0.3  
    [11] gtable_0.3.3      lattice_0.21-8    pkgconfig_2.0.3   rlang_1.1.1       openxlsx_4.2.5.2 
    [16] foreach_1.5.2     cli_3.6.1         rstudioapi_0.14   parallel_4.1.2    withr_2.5.0      
    [21] stringr_1.5.0     generics_0.1.3    vctrs_0.6.2       hms_1.1.3         bit64_4.0.5      
    [26] grid_4.1.2        tidyselect_1.2.0  glue_1.6.2        R6_2.5.1          fansi_1.0.4      
    [31] vroom_1.6.3       limma_3.50.3      farver_2.1.1      purrr_1.0.1       tidyr_1.3.0      
    [36] tzdb_0.4.0        ggplot2_3.4.2     magrittr_2.0.3    scales_1.2.1      codetools_0.2-19 
    [41] MASS_7.3-60       colorspace_2.1-0  labeling_0.4.2    utf8_1.2.3        stringi_1.7.12   
    [46] RCurl_1.98-1.12   munsell_0.5.0     doParallel_1.0.17 crayon_1.5.2
TPP2D • 775 views
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the backtrace returns:

1. TPP2D::import2dDataset(...)
 2. TPP2D::annotateDataList(...)
 3. dplyr::bind_rows(...)
 4. rlang::list2(...)
 5. base::lapply(...)
 6. TPP2D (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)
 7. ... %>% spread(spread_var, signal)
 8. tidyr::spread(., spread_var, signal)
 9., spread_var, signal)
Run rlang::last_trace(drop = FALSE) to see 2 hidden frames.
Entering edit mode

Dear Tobias,

Thank you for the detailed description. Can you make available enough information for us to reproduce your problem? I.e. the script including the definitions of variables such as tt, ll, and any required input files (they can be truncated, shortened or otherwise be made "scientifically useless" in case that's a concern).

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Dear Tobias, I'm afraid the current implementation cannot handle import of replicates, even though I agree that this would be highly desirable. Unfortunately, I have currently little time to develop new features in the package at the moment. If you happen to figure out the problem and a potential fix in the import function feel free to send me a pull request on GitHub:


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