I have a doubt regarding the column Bgratio obtained in the clusterProfiler R package after enrichGO function. I have used the following code:
ego.BP <- enrichGO(gene = genes$Id, universe = universe, keytype = 'ENSEMBL', OrgDb = org.Mm.eg.db, ont = 'BP', pAdjustMethod = 'BH', pvalueCutoff = 0.01, qvalueCutoff = 0.05, readable = T)
and I obtained the following result:
Description | GeneRatio | BgRatio | pvalue | p.adjust | qvalue | geneID | Count | |
1 | acylglycerol metabolic process | 10/128 | 101/20854 | 6,37E-010 | 7,70E-007 | 6,79E-007 | Ces1d/Thrsp/Apoa5/Dgat2/Slc37a4/Lpin1/Gpx1/Fitm2/Lpin2/Ces1g | 10 |
2 | neutral lipid metabolic process | 10/128 | 103/20854 | 7,74E-010 | 7,70E-007 | 6,79E-007 | Ces1d/Thrsp/Apoa5/Dgat2/Slc37a4/Lpin1/Gpx1/Fitm2/Lpin2/Ces1g | 10 |
3 | lipid homeostasis | 10/128 | 118/20854 | 2,96E-009 | 1,76E-006 | 1,55E-006 | Angptl4/Apoa5/Cyp7a1/Dgat2/Slc37a4/Abcg8/Lipg/Hpn/Fitm2/Nr1h4 | 10 |
4 | triglyceride metabolic process | 9/128 | 88/20854 | 3,53E-009 | 1,76E-006 | 1,55E-006 | Thrsp/Apoa5/Dgat2/Slc37a4/Lpin1/Gpx1/Fitm2/Lpin2/Ces1g | 9 |
5 | cholesterol homeostasis | 8/128 | 69/20854 | 9,87E-009 | 3,27E-006 | 2,89E-006 | Apoa5/Cyp7a1/Dgat2/Slc37a4/Abcg8/Lipg/Hpn/Nr1h4 | 8 |
6 | sterol homeostasis | 8/128 | 69/20854 | 9,87E-009 | 3,27E-006 | 2,89E-006 | Apoa5/Cyp7a1/Dgat2/Slc37a4/Abcg8/Lipg/Hpn/Nr1h4 | 8 |
I would like to know how the Bgratio is calculated and its utility.
Thanks in advance,
Could we add BgRatio for groupGO results? I need this information for groupGO function. It would be nice if there is any possibility you could suggest to me. Thank you very much!