Hi all, I am using DESeq2 for a DE analysis from RNASeq data. I am not sure I am using the correct formula in DESeq2 for the analysis.\ I have 100 tumor samples and 100 normal-matched.\ The tumor samples can be subgrouped according their tumoral stage (I, II, III and IV). I am running DESeq assigning "N" as tumoral stage variable for all normal samples and then running the following design:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromTximport(txi, sampleTable, ~Patient_ID+Stage)
After that I extract results for the group comparisons
res <- results(dds, alpha=0.05, lfcThreshold = 0.58, contrast=c("Stage","I","II"))
I ignore comparisons against normals because I am interested in the differences between tumors from stages (but also keeping into account the inter-individual correction given by the presence of normal-matched samples).
Am I doing right?\ Thanks\ Matteo
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