Controlling for covariates and identifying DEGs using DESeq2
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Last seen 7 months ago


I have raw count data file and its meta data file that looks like below

sample  Batch   Trt Status  Age Sex BMI
S1  1   D   R   33  M   25
S2  2   D   NR  38  F   32
S3  1   D   R   46  M   29
S4  1   D   R   21  F   36
S5  2   P   NR  33  F   26
S6  2   P   NR  78  F   22
S7  1   P   NR  28  M   34
S8  2   P   R   47  M   24

Essentially, these are hundreds of sample.

I aim to identify differentially expressed genes in DR vs DNR.

However, I also need to control for covariates. Therefore what I am doing is :

dds=(design= ~Batch + Age+Sex+BMI + Status + BMI:Status)
dds=DESeq(dds,test="LRT", reduced=~Age+Sex+BMI+Batch)

then this is followed by

results(dds, contrast = c("STATUS","DNR","R"))

My question, is this the right way to go?

Note: with interaction I get atleast 200 genes at FC2 and FDR0.1 without interaction with BMI it falls to 27 genes that are pseudogenes or genes that make no sense.

Thank you for your time.

RNASeqData DESeq2 • 724 views
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Last seen 1 day ago
United States

For questions about statistical analysis plan, I recommend to work with a local statistician or someone familiar with linear models in R. I have to restrict my time on the support site to software related questions.


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