I have a question about identifying highly variable genes after applying vst from deseq2. I don't think it makes much sense to find those genes after variance stabilization. Should I identify the genes using counts or normalized counts and directly use the gene list on the post-vst data for any downstream analysis?
Thanks in advance
Thanks so much for the clarification!
My rna-seq dataset contains samples from multiple tissues (heart, kidney, spleen etc). Biologically we expect that samples from different tissue sites to have very different transcriptomic profiles. Should I apply vst separately for each of these tissues, or should I treat the entire dataset across tissues as a whole?
That really depends on the question you want to answer. If you want genes variable between organs than you must run the vst for all in the same analysis. See also the DESeq2 vignette on the question whether to split a dataset into pieces or whether to keep them together.