Hi, Is it important to consider the significance of the Pearson's correlation between gene significance value (GS) and connectivity (kWithin) when selecting hub gene candidates for further study in biological relation?
I have tested the correlation of module trait relationship. the result shown that 3 modules were significantly related to my trait of interest. Such as Yellow, Green, Tan
After that I have followed WGCNA tutorial, and I have found that among 3 modules above with significant module-trait relationship, there is only 1 module shown significance of the Pearson's correlation between gene significance value (GS) and connectivity (kWithin).
When selecting hub gene for further study in biological relation. Is it necessary to consider the significance of the Pearson's correlation between gene significance value (GS) and connectivity (kWithin) when selecting hub gene candidates to study.
Thank you very much in advance for your reply and comments. Best regards
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