I downloaded the newest version of R as I kept getting prompted to update in RStudio. As I did, for some reason, previous work I had done following the DESeq2 vignette would not run properly giving me many errors like: 'DESeq2' package doesn't exist. I'll show my most recent errors but I can't run DESeq2 at all.
Code should be placed in three backticks as shown below
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
#cts1 is female treated v. control on control diet
cts1 <- read.csv("*path to files*/cts1.csv",row.names='gene_id')
coldata1 <- read.csv("*path to files*/Table1.csv", row.names=1)
dds1 <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
idx <- rowSums( counts(dds, normalized=TRUE) >= 5 ) >= 3
#error I receive
Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) :
error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'estimateSizeFactors': object 'dds' not found
Thank you so much for the help. Of course it's a silly error on my own part. Appreciate the help!!!
Happy to help!