Hello, I'm working with DESeq2, and when look my normalised mean expression in the Case vs Control the date doesn't match with the log2 fold change. Example:
gene baseMeanCase baseMeanControl log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
TMTC1 463.67 379.85 3.1043 0.5566 5.5766 2.45E-08 0.0005
In my design I added : design = ~ sex + year + condition
In other hand, I performed my PCAs with limma::removebatcheffect to modify my ntd :
gene ntdCase ntdControl
TMTC1 9.81 6.74
And those values are in accordance with log2FoldChange.
I would like to have the expression values (not transformed) that could correspond to the ntd value.
Thank you for your time :)