Hi, I am trying to do an enrichment analysis with topGO and it gives results with zero significance as well as p-value, I don't understand why it happened. Please let me know if anyone knows anything regarding this script https://github.com/UPOBioinfo/sma3s/blob/master/script_enrichment_Sma3s_v2.R
file_genes <- "core_protein.csv"
Nodes <- 40
file_t <- "new.tsv"
genes <-read.csv(file_genes, header = F)$V1
GOesByID <-readMappings(file = file_t)
bg_genes <-names(GOesByID)
compared_genes <-factor(as.integer(bg_genes %in% genes))
names(compared_genes) <-bg_genes
GOdata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "BP", allGenes = compared_genes,
annot = annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = GOesByID)
#run fisher test
resultFisher <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher")
> resultFisher <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher",pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
-- Classic Algorithm --
the algorithm is scoring 0 nontrivial nodes parameters: test statistic: fisher Warning message: In .local(object, test.stat, ...) :No enrichment can pe performed - there are no feasible GO terms!**
I am not expert of R but i am trying to understand.. please excuse me if it is a silly question...
Thank you!