I am currently attempting to perform a differential expression (DE) analysis using edgeR for phip-seq data. The analysis involves comparing multiple samples with bead-only samples. some of the samples lack replicates while others have them, I have not encountered any errors. However, I am concerned whether this approach is appropriate for conducting the analysis.
for (cond in 1:length(pair_names)){
CONTRASTS = makeContrasts(pair_names[cond], levels = design )
contrast= CONTRASTS[CONTRASTS[,1] != 0,]
contrast_pair = c(names(contrast))
res_edgeR = exactTest(edgeR_obj, pair = contrast_pair )
Thank you,
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback. The code I shared is only a part of the overall script. To provide the results for each of the 48 experimental conditions vs control, I am writing the results to a file. Although as you said there may be simpler ways to achieve this:
Once again, thank you for your assistance.