Dear Community,
I'm running an ALDEx2 analysis in R on microbiome data and I'm currently wondering if I'm interpreting the data correctly.
code I run for the AldeX2 analysis:
aldexmodel <- aldex(Aldex_mat_fungi_antago, Aldex_variable_fungi_location_antago, mc.samples=128, test="t", effect=TRUE,include.sample.summary=TRUE , denom="all", verbose=FALSE)
The 'treatment' to be tested is "location" which consists of 2 possiblities: "front" or "back".
In the model output I can see that I have 2 Features/ASVs with a P-value <0.05 according to the Welsh t-test (we.ep, in output).
I know which 2 features this are, but I want to know if they are more present in the "back" or "front". Therefore I think I need to check the "" values, shown in the image below (the 2 features are highlighted in yellow):
feature 1 (ending with ...721) has a value of 0.88 for the 'back' and -6.53 for the front. Do I interpret correctly that this feature is more abundant in "back"
feature 2 (ending iwth ....15db) has a value of -6.9 and a value of 1.94. Do I interpret correctly that this feature is more abundant in "front"?
So the higher the '' value, the higher the presence of that feature in the treatment?
Thank you in advance.
I am very impressed with your article. Like you said when you delete a result, run 3 it will be pushed from the left participant column to the right result column. I like it very much.
I value your insight and reaction. Would the advice still apply if I attempted to copy a picture and then paste it? You worked really hard to provide us with engaging the backrooms content.