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Hi I just started using DEseq.I have one control sample and 12 different timepoints. I want to compare each timepoint to the control.Here is the sample meta file.
Sampl1 Control
Sampl2 D1
Sampl3 D12
Samp4 D14
Sampl5 D2
Sampl6 D21
Sampl7 D28
Sampl8 D3
Sampl9 D4
Sampl10 D5
Sampl11 D6
Sampl12 D7
Sampl13 D9
I want to compare Control vs D1, Control vs D12, Control vs D14.........control vs D9 etc I used the following code for one comparison
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=countData,colData=metaData,design=~Day, tidy = TRUE)
dds$Day<-factor(dds$Day, levels=c("Contro12","D12"))
I get the following error
Error in designAndArgChecker(object, betaPrior) :
full model matrix is less than full rank
Can i get any help on this