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I have 3 different compounds and one control groups with 7 different time points. I would like to run DESeq2 analyses and get differentially expressed genes with reference of the contol group
dds <-DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = round(counts_data), colData = colData,
design = ~time + Compound_name + time:Compound_name )
dds$Compound_name <- relevel(dds$Compound_name, ref= '0.1 % DMSO')
However, I could not get the DEGs of compounds based on different time points since the results names return
[1] "Intercept" "time" "Compound_name_CD_vs_0.1...DMSO" [4] "Compound_name_CS_vs_0.1...DMSO" "Compound_name_TN_vs_0.1...DMSO" "Compound_name_TM_vs_0.1...DMSO" [7] "time.Compound_nameCD" "time.Compound_nameCS" "time.Compound_nameTN" 10] "time.Compound_nameTM
(I couldnot put every variables names)
How can I reach the different time points by contrast?
For starters, spaces and a % in your coldata? That could be the problem.