Hi, I'm trying to use DESeq2 to do the differential analysis, but I didn't find the most suitable conference for what I should do.
I would like to find out whether the differential expressed gene from two group is significant different.
Here I have two conditions, 1) whether have treatment A, 2)female and male.
I've already analyzed the DEGs in female_treatmentA vs female_NotreatmentA, male_treatmentA vs male_NotreatmentA. Next, I want to compare whether the difference between DEGs of female and male is significant.
I know how to do this in EdgeR, but I dont know how to do this by DESeq2.
female_contrast <- makeContrasts(
female.ex <- groupA.F-groupNoA.F,
levels = design
male_contrast <- makeContrasts(
male.ex <- groupA.M-groupNoA.M,
levels = design
all_contrast <- makeContrasts(
female.ex <- groupA.F-groupNoA.F,
male.ex <- groupA.M-groupNoA.M,
sex.ex <- (female.ex)-(male.ex),
levels = design
I would really appreciate if someone can show me an explicit example, tailored for my case.
Thank you! Ming
Please show your design and see the section on contrasts in the vignette.
Thank you for the relpy. Sorry that I didnt make it clear.
Here is my coldata of edgeR object: ( A is the control, B is the treatment)
treatement. gender. group
A female. A_female
A female. A_female
A female. A_female
B female B_female
B female. B_female
B female. B_female
A. male. A_male
A. male. A_male
A male. A_male
B male. B_male
B male. B_male
B. male. B_male
First, I have got two logFC from two contrasts:
Nest, I want to comapre two logFC from above two comparison.
I have read other questions in Bioconducter and vignette, if I understand it right, my next try would be:
or maybe this way:
Could you tell me which one make senses? Thank you so much!