Can someone please explain the output file of YAMA (YET ANOTHER METHYLOME ALIGNER) or input file of segment seq methylation loci identification package?? I tried using YAMA to get the output file, but it is an old perl script and it suggest to remove defined@array from the script everywhere.
Please see the below file and suggest the column headers. I donot understand the values in the columns. what are these values?? I need to know their column headers. first: chromosome second: positions third: strand fourth/fifth/sixth: methylC/UnmethylC/readcount/count of C or T/ count of A or G ?????
Chr1 109 + 16 1 1
Chr1 114 + 10 11 1
Chr1 115 + 23 0 1
Chr1 150 - 47 61 1
Chr1 161 + 35 2 1
Chr1 307 + 2 0 1
Chr1 310 + 2 0 1
Chr1 497 + 0 11 1
Chr1 500 + 10 0 1