Hello! I'm trying to run DESeq2 on samples that belong to different treatment groups. As an example:
Sample 1 responder to drug A
Sample 2 responder to drug A
Sample 3 non responder to drug A
Sample 4 non responder to drug A
Sample 5 responder to drug B
Sample 6 responder to drug B
Sample 7 non responder to drug B
Sample 8 non responder to drug B
I tried running DESeq2 on all the samples together and use results(dds, contrast=c("treatment_groups", "responder to drug A", "non responder to drug A")) to get the differential expression results for drug A response. I also tried just separating the samples and only have sample 1-4, which produced a somewhat different differential expression results. Is it recommended to do this one way or the other? Thanks in advance.
I see. Thank you!