Dear all,
can anyone provide me an older source of biocFileCache (ideally 1.2.0)? This is due to the fact that our institution HPC cluster runs with R 3.3.3. The oldest package version I have is 1.10.0, which is not compatible with this R version.
Thanks in advance.
Chiming in here because Martin Morgan recently told me on Slack that you can get any archived version (Bioc >=3.6) via:
Here, BiocFileCache 1.2.0 is available:
Seconding the suggestion of updating R, or at best see whether Singularity is available so you can containerize your analysis. Alternatively, use conda which can install software without root permissions. Still, most HPCs have module systems in place so it should be easy enough for your admin (if not already available) to get a recent R version going.
Cool, nice to know the direct links work even if the archive page at gives me an error.