I am working with NanoString transcriptomics targeted data panel (containing 800 gene panel), the raw counts data was normalized in the nSolver Data Analysis software. I have the normalized data, and would like to use limma
for further analysis like filtering and statistical modelling. I would like to perform filter by expression on the normalized data matrix, it seems like in limma
this type of filtering could be performed only on the raw data (counts). Is there a functionality that I can use this normalized matrix in limma
to perform filtering by gene expression.
For instance, the below functionality I use in RNA-Seq analysis:
dge <- DGEList(counts=counts)
The next step is to remove rows that consistently have zero or very low counts. One can for example use
keep <- filterByExpr(dge, design)
dge <- dge[keep,,keep.lib.sizes=FALSE]
dge <- calcNormFactors(dge)
Thank you in advance.
The answer is probably yes, but it depends on what "normalized data" you have from nSolver. Do you have log-counts-per-million? Or something else? What exactly has the data been normalized for?
Gordon Smyth thank you for the response.
The data matrix is a normalized matrix (without log transformation). My collaborator has shared the steps how the normalization was performed:
Hi Toufiq,
I am trying to do the same thing as you with some NanoString data: I have a normalised count matrix from nSolver, normalised using geNorm, and want to perform DEG analysis with limma.
I have looked at the attached resources but I am still a bit confused with how to do this. Did you work out how to use limma/voom with normalised data instead of raw?
Hi, I used normalized data to log(norm.data, 2) > used in the
package. Basically,