Hi all,
Just want to float an idea:
I realise bioinformatics/comp bio is a much smaller community than the broader software development community but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed the group of experts that routinely give their time to solve issues and help us newbies out. In return, perhaps those of you who are more experienced, and are authors/maintainers of packages, might consider using the 'good-first-issue' (or similar) tag on your repos even just for things like extra documentation that you might like but don't have time to do. That way as those of us who are newer progress we can contribute and perhaps lighten loads on maintainers, develop relevant skills and it might help reduce cycles of abandon-ware?
This is certainly not a novel idea as, anecdotally, friends who are in 'pure' computer science streams have said this is a similar type of format that they got involved with open source Go projects through and one of them on the Linux kernel. So, thoughts?