Hello, Apologies if this is a basic question, but I am trying to use the relevel. But the result i.e the number of DEGs does not change before and after the relevel
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = cts,
colData = coldata,
design = ~mutant_stat+sex+age+survival)
So, it is wildtype change when compared to mutant. Now, when i relevel such that expression change in mutant (mut) is compared to wildtype(wt)
dds$mutant=relevel(dds$mutant,ref="wt") #relevel so that the level of reference is wildtype
Now, I run deseq2 again and check if the level has been reflected
dds <- DESeq(dds) #run again on relvelled data
So, yes this time it is mutant vs wildtype. But the number of DGEs does not change between the pre and post relevel. Why, is it so because i assumed that if I change the level for which comparison is happening, DEGs change.
FYI wt,n=700 mut, n=50
I may be missing something here, kindly help?