Hi all,
I am new to DESeq2, but did this together with a colleague that has done some transcriptomics analyses before. However, neither of us could figure out why the output of results is: DataFrame with 14235 rows and 6 columns while our .csv file (imported into excel) shows 31415 rows and 6+1 columns (this last one is obviously because the gene names are now an extra column).
Can anyone tell us why we have so many more rows suddenly? The code we used is below.
#read in counts table with gene names as rownames
read.table("mt_mapped_paired_readcounts.tsv.txt", sep= '\t', header = FALSE, row.names = 1) -> counts
#filter out rows with only zeros
counts.nozero <- counts[rowSums(counts) != 0,]
#removing the last row, which contains NA
counts.nozero.nona <- counts.nozero[1:14235,]
#file to explain which column is which
read.table("columndata", sep= ',', header = TRUE) -> columndata
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts.nozero.nona,
colData = columndata,
design = ~ cables)
dds<- DESeq(dds)
res <- results(dds, name="cables_yes_cables_vs_no_cables")
#res output
log2 fold change (MLE): cables yes cables vs no cables
Wald test p-value: cables yes cables vs no cables
DataFrame with 14235 rows and 6 columns
write.csv(as.data.frame(res), file="deseq2results.csv")
Are you sure you checked the right file ? There is no reason for
to add lines. please checklibrary(readr); deseq2results <- read_csv("deseq2results.csv"); dim(deseq2results)