Hello Guys,
I need a metastatic cancer line data (if it is possible WGS) that is obtained from the one-patient's purified biopsy results derived from different regions (like lung, bladder). I need this data to investigate cancer evolution to apply some popgenome analyses. I guess I've found the samples of Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) on the SRA however I cannot download them through prefetch command on bash terminal I'm getting an error on attached file, I guess it stems from my access permission.
Any guys can help me to suggest me any database I need or say any alternative way to download of CCLE data from SRA ?
Cross-posted: https://www.biostars.org/p/9527735/
It looks like it is a certificate issue. I was able to download the resource using
3.0. Make sure to update your SRAtoolkit.