Hello everyone,
I am doing a big RNA seq experiment and I was looking for the expression of a particular gene but I did not find it in my DESeq2 output table. I found this strange as I expect the gene to be expressed (perhaps not DE but expressed). So then I decided to look into the salmon counts matrix I used to run DESeq2 and I see that the gene has indeed counts. This surprises me. Can anyone explain this to me? I have the output which concerns me shown below, first part of the DESeq2 table, then the salmon counts. It regards gene m00115031
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
XTTCFBP2054_m00115001 112.666716821165 -0.136943580215841 0.28231739912585 -0.485069572898675 0.627626994693917 0.999275281977537
XTTCFBP2054_m00115011 92.4633686971637 0.0581141581946056 0.427434081334662 0.135960515860467 0.891852494829847 0.999275281977537
XTTCFBP2054_m00115021 0.53638193947359 0.086491969831991 2.33640180992394 0.0370193044127142 0.970469613593924 0.999275281977537
XTTCFBP2054_m00115051 2603544.95989068 0.438149536947451 0.403800651143322 1.08506396833902 0.277893324463571 0.999275281977537
XTTCFBP2054_m00115061 616.107744531023 0.261236459279101 0.555682029181473 0.47011860301458 0.638270283926091 0.999275281977537
Xtt-CFBP2054_RbmL_EV_R1 Xtt-CFBP2054_RbmL_EV_R2 Xtt-CFBP2054_RbmL_EV_R3 Xtt-CFBP2054_RbmL_hrpGstar_R1 Xtt-CFBP2054_RbmL_hrpGstar_R2 Xtt-CFBP2054_RbmL_hrpGstar_R3
XTTCFBP2054_m00115011 150 29 113 225 38 112
XTTCFBP2054_m00115021 1 0 1 3 0 0
XTTCFBP2054_m00115031 190 32 90 24219 296 994
XTTCFBP2054_m00115041 0 0 0 0 0 0
XTTCFBP2054_m00115051 2629215 940760 3407073 3954105 1853755 3638923
XTTCFBP2054_m00115061 730 141 985 829 422 840
XTTCFBP2054_m00115071 0 0 0 0 0 0
XTTCFBP2054_m00115081 987 207 385 1737 124 417
Hoi Jeroen,
Yes I used tximport. Thanks for your answer, it had been a while ago since I called DEG and indeed, the pval and padj are NA and these were removed in a downstream processing step. I forgot about that, thanks for clarifying and helping me figure out my problem.