I'm new here and wanted to know if it is possible to subset a BSgenome and keep only the standard chromosomes part (1 to 22, X, Y and MT for BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38). The goal is also to keep a BSgenome as a result. I use vmatchPattern and vmatchPDict to do some statistics and try to test visual results with ggplot2 library. It would be easier to get only the results I'm interested in. I tried to use seqlevels but you can't because the supplied 'seqinfo' must have the same length as the current 'seqinfo' when replacing the 'seqinfo' If you tell me RTFM I would do it but if it's not easy I appreciate to learn the trick. Thanks a lot.
Alain ```
Thanks a lot. I think we did post at the same time.
My personal answer uses the 'exclude' argument with parameter class BSParams
Your answer is better for my initial question about using vmatchPattern.