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The following will not work: BiocManager::install("iPath")
Install environment includes Bioconductor version 3.14
- These unannounced dependencies fail to install under any circumstance: gridtext, ggtext, survminer *These announced dependencies do install: mclust, BiocParallel, survival
Do you have a complete install reference for this? Centos 7.8 /7.9, compiled R-4.1. Thanks for any leads.
You need to provide the results of your attempt to install
rather than simply saying the dependencies don't install. Without seeing the error messages, it's impossible for anybody to help you.I get
I hit send prematurely, so you need to look at the support site to see my actual post.
Thank you for response. Ì do not use "install("iPath")." I use: BiocManager::install("iPath"). Result below. There is a character limit, and I don't see an upload web function here. So this will be in 3 parts.
Part 2 of output:
Part 3 of failed install output:
This might be relevant.
Issue resolved, please close any tickets or artifacts of my post.
The listed dependencies simply couldn't be added under Centos 7.9 in-OS compiler chain. Thank you for your time.