I'm wondering if it is valid to do comparisons, such as a t-test for a gene between different treatment groups, on VST or rlog transformed data. While I know that differential expression is best done with the deseq function, and that VST or rlog data is supposed to be for clustering or visualization, I am exploring different ways of grouping treatments as well as different ways to compare gene expression, so it is easier for me to work with a table of transformed counts.
However, some things I've read say this is not recommended, but I haven't seen a clear explanation of why not. If VST or rlog is not similar to the transformation used within deseq when it does the differential expression (sorry, I didn't fully understand the differences when I read the paper, especially when blind = FALSE), then is there a way to get the count table that deseq uses under the hood (that has been both size normalized and has dispersions estimated, etc.)?
Thanks for your help!
To the question JB asked to perform a t-test between two samples, is it valid to perform a test. I too have a rlog count data and i was wondering if could do a t-test?
here is our answer on that Q
Thank you Michael!