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I can't change the y-axis' category order of dotplot result, I don't know the default order of it. I've used ordrBy="x",orderBy="Count",orderBy="geneRatio" in dotplot() parameters, but nothing changed. Thank you very much!
#ego <- enrichGO(gene =gene_up,OrgDb=org.Hs.eg.db,ont = "all",
pool = TRUE,readable = TRUE)
#barplot(ego,split="ONTOLOGY",showCategory = 20,order=T,title = "EnrichmentdownGO9")+facet_grid(ONTOLOGY~.,scale="free")
#dotplot(ego,orderBy="pvalue",title="GO9dotplot",split="ONTOLOGY",showCategory=10)+facet_grid(ONTOLOGY~.,scales = "free")
I have found some laws of it. The y-axis GOterm of barplot is ordered by p.value, you can change it by "order=T",it can change the ordey by "Count". But I haven't found out the law of dotplot.