Extracting the LFC from a reduced model
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Sonia • 0
Last seen 2.9 years ago
United Kingdom

I have created a multifactor model with 3 factors: patient(patients A to I, to account for biological differences), condition(levels "Other_CD4", "VbOther" and "Clone", in that order) and timepoint (T1 and T2).

The comparisons I am interested in are really "Other CD4" to "VbOther" and "VbOther" to "Clone", as each represents a different stage of cellular differentiation.

I made a dataframe with all the factors in and performed differential expression (dds). I also made a PCA which did not look like there were any differences in timepoint between samples from T1 and T2, in all conditions.

I made a model with the design ~patient + condition + timepoint (dds), and the reduced design ~patient + condition (dds_reduced).

The LRT suggested that there are no genes have a padj < 0.1 in the additive model, suggesting to me that timepoint is not significant.

An example of the LRT output is:

log2 fold change (MLE): timepoint T2 vs T1 
LRT p-value: '~ patient + condition + timepoint' vs '~ patient + condition' 
DataFrame with 18516 rows and 6 columns
           baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE       stat    pvalue      padj
          <numeric>      <numeric> <numeric>  <numeric> <numeric> <numeric>
A1BG      96.891126     -0.0251046  0.250933 0.00990849  0.920708         1
A1BG-AS1 125.388293     -0.1924045  0.293704 0.43214358  0.510939         1
A2M        1.614425     -0.0614295  0.995438 0.00349552  0.952854         1
A2M-AS1   37.412347     -0.4648244  0.344586 1.79961673  0.179759         1
A2ML1      0.936242      1.0015319  3.732651 0.10950344  0.740710         1
...             ...            ...       ...        ...       ...       ...
ZYG11A      2.02023     -0.2401266 0.9370991  0.0727242  0.787411         1
ZYG11B    858.54543     -0.0565903 0.0940639  0.3585213  0.549329         1
ZYX      4428.36880      0.0223657 0.1067015  0.0437798  0.834264         1
ZZEF1    5559.62750     -0.0890766 0.0607072  2.1439690  0.143131         1
ZZZ3      965.87893     -0.0168050 0.0704468  0.0567291  0.811742         1

I cannot however seem to extract the LFC and padj for the comparison of conditions in dds_reduced, eg between Other_CD4 and VBOther.

Having demonstrated as above that timepoint is not important, is it statistically acceptable to recreate the table, but without timepoint as a factor eg:

DESeq2Table2 <- DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable = mysampleTable, directory = "H:/R/htseq_counts_experiment_5/", design = ~patient + condition, ignoreRank = FALSE)

dds_simple <- DESeq(DESeq2Table2)

or is there some way I can extract the original LFC values from dds_reduced?

Thank you!



#this sets the working directory

#note- the files all have a 0 in the header line- this needs manually removing before the table can be made

#This uses a metadata file with sample info 
metadata_5 <- read.csv("H:/R/htseq_counts_experiment_5/metadata_5.csv")
metadata_5 <-as.data.frame(metadata_5)

#column1 name comes out bit weird- this changes the name
names(metadata_5)[1] <- "SampleName"

#this adds in a column to say what the file name is in the metadata file
metadata_5 = mutate(metadata_5, countFile = paste0(metadata_5$SampleName, ".stranded-counts.txt"))
metadata_5 <- lapply(metadata_5, as.character)

#this works and makes the sample table
mysampleTable <- data.frame(sampleName = metadata_5$SampleName, fileName = metadata_5$countFile, condition = metadata_5$Condition, patient = metadata_5$Subject, timepoint = metadata_5$Timepoint)

#this is the design
additive.model <- as.formula(~ patient + condition + timepoint)

#this makes the DESeq data set Remember to change the directory here!
DESeq2Table <- DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable = mysampleTable, directory = "H:/R/htseq_counts_experiment_5/", design = ~patient + condition + timepoint, ignoreRank = FALSE)

#this sets the factor levels
DESeq2Table$condition <- factor(DESeq2Table$condition,
                                levels=c("Other_CD4", "VbOther","Clone"))

#this shows the size of the table

#this line gets rid of anything with 5 reads or less 
keep <- rowSums(counts(DESeq2Table)) > 5
DESeq2Table <- DESeq2Table[keep,]

#this shows the size of the table after removal of low counts

#this is the differential expression analysis and tells you the columns and the design 
dds <- DESeq(DESeq2Table)

results_dds <-results(dds)

res.Other_CD4.VbOther <- results(dds, contrast=c("condition","VbOther","Other_CD4"))
res.Other_CD4.Clone <- results(dds, contrast=c("condition","Clone","Other_CD4"))
res.VbOther.Clone <- results(dds, contrast=c("condition","Clone","VbOther"))

#this shows the numbers of genes upregulated and downregulated

sum ( res.Other_CD4.VbOther$padj < 0.1, na.rm=TRUE) 
#the output is 7418 (this is the some of the up and down regulated in the above summary)
sum (res.VbOther.Clone$padj < 0.1, na.rm=TRUE)
#the output is 2917

#to make a reduced forumla we want to make a nbinomLRT. The results table shows the difference between the additive model and the reduced model.
reduced.model <- as.formula(~patient + condition)

ddsreduced <- DESeq(dds, test="LRT", reduced= reduced.model)
res_dds_reduced <-results(ddsreduced)

#note the p-value is the difference between the reduced model and the full model

resLRT.Other_CD4.VbOther <- results(ddsreduced, contrast=c("condition","VbOther","Other_CD4"))
resLRT.Other_CD4.Clone <- results(ddsreduced, contrast=c("condition","Clone","Other_CD4"))
resLRT.VbOther.Clone <- results(ddsreduced, contrast=c("condition","Clone","VbOther"))

#this shows the numbers of genes upregulated and downregulated


#this suggests there are no differences in the groups between T1 and T2 for any genes in any combination of groups

#this makes a new data set Remember to change the directory here!
DESeq2Table2 <- DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable = mysampleTable, directory = "H:/R/htseq_counts_experiment_5/", design = ~patient + condition, ignoreRank = FALSE)

#this sets the factor levels
DESeq2Table2$condition <- factor(DESeq2Table$condition,
                                levels=c("Other_CD4", "VbOther","Clone"))

#this is the differential expression analysis and tells you the columns and the design 
dds_simple <- DESeq(DESeq2Table2)

ressimple.Other_CD4.VbOther <- results(dds_simple, contrast=c("condition","VbOther","Other_CD4"))
ressimple.Other_CD4.Clone <- results(dds_simple, contrast=c("condition","Clone","Other_CD4"))
ressimple.VbOther.Clone <- results(dds_simple, contrast=c("condition","Clone","VbOther"))

#this shows the numbers of genes upregulated and downregulated

DESeq2 • 881 views
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Last seen 2 days ago
United States

extract the LFC and padj for the comparison of conditions in dds_reduced

You can run this model with that design as the full design, and specify test="Wald".

I don't really have much time to provide statistical consultation here on what are the best terms to include, how to make decision on what models to accept, etc. I have to limit to software-based questions.

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Thank you!


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