Hello all,
I'm performing KEGG enrichment analysis using clusterProfiler (through functionenrichKEGG
). But, I can't find documentation describing all the outputs of clusterprofiler. I don't think there is one, actually. If there is, can someone point it out, please?
The only documentation I found for clusterprofiler is https://yulab-smu.top/biomedical-knowledge-mining-book/clusterprofiler-kegg.html and https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/manuals/clusterProfiler/man/clusterProfiler.pdf, but it does not contain any information regarding the output and the info on the package itself is quite poor as well.
Can you please explain what BgRatio and GeneRatio are? I already found that BgRatio = M/N and GeneRatio = k/n, but this is not useful without further definition of terms and/or a formal explanation of what was meant by including this on the output.
Thanks in advance!