Hi there,
My question is rather theoretical and regards the wording used to describe a multi-factor design in the vignette of Deseq2 package. For example in the following design:
~genotype + condition
The vignette mentions that the condition
effect represents the overall effect controlling for differences due to genotype
However when I start reading some books about multi-factor design and interaction, including here one book written by Michael one of the authors of DESeq2
I get the following from this book named Data Analysis for The Life Sciences.
X<-model.matrix(~type+leg, data=spider)
"(Intercept)" "typepush" "legL2""legL3""legL4"
So here they point out a model with one factor type
with two level push
and pull
and another factor leg
with 4 levels leg1
and leg4
. Then they go ahead and make the following affirmation about the model ~type+leg
" In the previous linear model, we assumed that the push vs. pull effect was the same for all of the legpairs"
So if the push
effect assumption is the same for all legpairs, how can an additive model control for differences in the first term ?
For example:
~genotype + condition
effect controls for differences due to genotype
but ~type+leg
assumes that level differences are the same for all leg
So generalizing what we can say about this model ?
~ factor1 + factor2
Does the factor2
effect control for differences in factor1
or does the levels of factor1
are assumed to be the same for all levels of factor2