Hi all. I am in the need of analyzing RNAseq data that are available in the form of a matrix with Salmon quantifications summarized at gene level (non-integer values). Can they be used as an input for DESeq, and what would be the best way to do this? I am providing a sample of the table below (apologies for the formatting). Thank you for the help. Luca
Sample_A Sample_B Sample_C A1BG 131.084 124.366 172.048 A1CF 3 6 8.856 A2M 24.212 36.87 14.873 A2ML1 1212.969 40.953 53.881
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Thanks James for the quick answer, but does the tximport package work also for importing a single matrix in which are contained all gene quantifications for all samples? Sorry for the naive question, but I understood from the vignette that it handles only the original Salmon output.
I feel like this is definitely covered in the vignette. We show importing multiple samples to gene level.